Wednesday, December 17, 2008

abrupt confusion

"what you dong tonight? come past"
"nah, can't, gotta go to my mates place... (mumbles) mates coming past"
"oh okay..whos this"
"huh? err....just a"
"well does this mate have a name?"

what a and utter loser.
fabrication or secret hiding? no matter, cause i will find out, i always do. its funny how its convenient for you to ask and interrogate me for answers, but you seem to think that it is just and dignified to provide me with ambiguous responses.

you know i have wondered perhaps you say this because you have no friends? no life? just the loser, the loser that i think of you right now.

i hate arrogant people, think they are always right, never, for the slightest second want to see the other persons perspective. i always try to see other side.

if you have a problem - ill try to help you,
if your bored - ill talk to you,
if your sad - ill try to make you laugh.

but you, you just shit me sometimes.
your arrogance,
your complete neglect for others around you,
your selfish views,
your sly tactics,
you over think,
you over analyze,

i talk, i speak, you give nothing,
i trust, i believe, you give nothing,


Recently had an argument with a friend.
Began to think who was at fault, and I concluded it is well and truly mine.

you have them with your mum, your dad, brother, sister, boyfriend or girlfriend, friends and extended family.
Human nature - to disagree and clash. An everyday occurrence.
But why do you move on? Because at the end of the day, life is better with them then without- there worth it.
Perhaps this is the foundation of forgiveness in many of the above cases.

Recently you asked me to forgive you. And when you asked me, I gave it, without a seconds hesitation, moved on, forgot and attempted to be normal. I really did.

Funny how you didn't bestow the same courtesy in return

perhaps im not worth it? yeah maybe....

very bad day.
walked out of an exam 20 minutes after walking in

im to nice,
i trust in people too much - give them my secrets,
i don't lie (about the important stuff),
i give and share my possessions

i guess when i don't get what i give in return i get upset.

my wish for tomorrow: realization of what has been said today

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i recently learned that i shouldnt be expecting people treat me the same way i treat them. I shouldnt expect them to smile back at me when i smile at them. Because I am only trying to control them when im thinking that way..

anyway.. still learning not to expect anything in return when i give.

just my own thoughts.

amy the bear